Pokemon Trading Card Game 1 and 2 Combo Cart (Gameboy Advance GBA)
Pokemon Trading Card Game 1 and 2 Combo Cart (Gameboy Advance GBA)

Amazing! I could not be happier with the product. Thank you RetroGamers!!
Great quality and works perfectly. No complaints
I'm glad you enjoyed the game. The Pokemon Trading Card Game series is one of my favorites. We are actually going to offer Pokemon Trading Card Game Generations Edition. Its a Pokemon ROM hack that adds more Pokemon cards from newer Gens. Check it out soon. We will probably list it within the next few weeks.
Ok so this game has both Pokemon Trading Card Game 1 and the English Translated version of Pokemon Trading Card Game 2. I put over 50+ hours into both games already. The really cool thing is it has SAVE STATES. Just press L and R while playing and you can access the menu to do save states and load states. Thats super handy. You can basically save during a card battle! haha