Pokemon Orange - In Color (GBC)
Pokemon Orange - In Color (GBC)
Pokemon Orange (Gameboy Color) ROM hack released by Pia Carrot
You are a kid from Valencia Island who wants to become a Pokémon Master, after hearing about a kid the same age named Red defeating the Indigo League 6 months ago. You set out on a journey to deliver the mysterious GS Ball to the esteemed Samson Oak, who is visiting the Orange Islands from the Alola region and to take on the Orange Crew! Play as Indigo or Orange, explore, fight goofy villains, and walk into a fresh and nostalgic world to learn more about the wonderful world of Pokémon and to Catch ’em All!
+OI and Alolan Variants, and the Crystal Onix
+Pinkan Berries
+Anime-based story in Gamefreak format
+Dive and Rock Climb
+Shiny Charm and Exp All
+New cries
+Reusable TMs
+Gen 7 Base Stats
+Updated Learnsets
+…And much, much more!
Known Issue
+Squirtle's image will show as Poliwhirl in battle

I had ordered 2 copies of Orange, received only 1.
Sent an email a week ago about it and have yet to hear anything back so... Yeah not happy.
Hi Justin - Sorry we missed your email. But don't worry, we always take care of our customers. I'll look up your email contact info and send you USPS tracking details for the 2nd copy of Pokemon Orange with a custom case. Thank you!
Didn’t really know what to expect with this game. I grew up playing GEN one through three. This game has the same feel as gen one and two and the story line is almost exactly like the anime as well which is really cool. I’ve played other ROM hacks, but it would be the same or similar maps to the original game. This is an entirely new location And it’s like playing Pokémon again for the first time again. Back in the day, you couldn’t look up where to go or what to do. The only bug in game I experienced so far was selecting your starter Pokémon I selected Squirtle and the Sprite in battle would appear as Poliwrath so I started over and went with Charmander. I haven’t gotten to the end yet so unsure of any other bugs there might be.
Purchased this game at a great price, and it was delivered incredibly quickly and plays perfectly. Highly recommended game and seller!
Love the GBC cartridge and case you guys get 5 star for that. The game was good but I was frustrated I couldn't get to the last island or meet professor Sampson. Also the TM availability was poor throughout the game. The avatar was okay looking. Like there was two different rock structures that i found which seemed to be a pokemon but no clue how to battle and capture it. I could not enter Ho-ohs cave even after beating the champion. There's alot of unanswered questions and not enough clues in the game to help you figure it out. Even at the end there's a house that rejects you when you try to walk in it. Like why is that? I caught a different looking Magicarp and when I looked at it later the thing was glitches our like a missing no. So if they come out with a more updated and refined version let me know because I did have fun playing it otherwise just that it needs some more work.
This was gifted to me as a Christmas gift. Initially the game didn’t hold a save, but after contacting support a new copy was shipped out the next day and works perfect. Enjoying the game so far and love playing all of these different ROM hacks offered by Retro Gamers on my GBA SP.