Pokemon Moemon Star Emerald (Gameboy Advance GBA)
Pokemon Moemon Star Emerald (Gameboy Advance GBA)
Moemon Star Emerald revitalizes classic Pokémon Emerald with updated graphics and battle backgrounds inspired by FireRed and LeafGreen. It offers more trainer battles, adjustable difficulty options like level caps, custom maps, and numerous added features, including Quality of Life improvements (no more HMs!) and new methods to catch Moemon throughout your adventure.
- All Pokémon have been replaced with Moemon versions.
- Over 800 Moemon from all generations, including some from Gen 8 and 9.
- Moves are categorized into Physical, Special, and Status.
- Includes battle mechanics up to Gen 7, with some Gen 8 and 9 moves.
- Mega Evolutions are available.
- No need to trade for evolutions.
- RTC is static
- New evolution methods and cross evolutions.
- Trainer teams and movesets are different from the original game.
- Increased difficulty with optional level caps.
- Encounter new rivals and explore fresh locations.
- New battle backgrounds and enhanced graphics.
- Reusable TMs and no need for HM slaves (items replace HMs).
- Craft Poké Balls from Apricorns, including new types of Poké Balls.
- Hidden Grottos to discover.
- New Move Tutors and an Egg Moves Tutor in Lilycove City.
- Move Relearner charges $1,000.
- Improved EV training and a new Ticket Reward system.
- Password system for special events and gifts.
- Most evolution items available in Lilycove City.
- Vitamins no longer have a cap.
- Updated movesets with new moves for certain Moemon.
- New typings for some Moemon:
- Bayleef: Grass/Fairy
- Meganium: Grass/Fairy
- Feraligatr: Water/Dark
- Goodra: Dragon/Poison

I'll start off by saying this: I currently have around 52 hours of play time as of this review. 650+ Mons in the Dex.
NOW for the review! The graphics are appealing. The gameplay is fun, as is to be expected. The Moé models are really nice. Some are cute, and some are quite sexy, such as midnight form Lycanroc. I love all the new little areas they added, which contain some Mons, items, and just adds to the world itself. Sure, the difficulty has been increased, and I sometimes find myself getting almost 1-shotted by a Mon a few dozen levels lower than mine. Must be that level scaling... It just takes some getting used to.
Wandering Hoenn, with new areas, and new paths, looking for Mons that normally wouldn't be in the game is really entertaining, and keeps me coming back to it!
Now... I've experienced a few issues. The MOST annoying one is how the game would freeze on a screen transition. Like, changing floors in Lilycove Department Store. I now save every time I get ready to head inside. Only happened once, thankfully. It happened when I used a Mint to change my Mon's nature, then went down a couple floors, and it froze.
A very small issue is when I catch a Mon with a Luxury Ball, but the ball on the status screen is a Timer Ball. Annoying.
My last issue (for now, hopefully) is the health bar and opponent textures turning white in battle. Like they are being erased, or something. Doesn't break the game, though, so that's good.
Overall, I give this romhack an 8/10. Definitely buy a copy!