Pokemon Green Celebrations (Gameboy Color GBC)
Pokemon Green Celebrations (Gameboy Color GBC)
Want to relive the old days with some improvements? Pokemon Green Celebrations is a nostalgic remake and revamp with the same features as Red and Blue Celebrations but in full color with Gen 1 or Gen 2 Trainer and Pokemon Sprites, designed for those who love the original games but want to experience them with quality-of-life updates and enhancements. This version adds new features while preserving the magic of the classic adventure, making it 100% playable from start to finish.
Pokemon Green Celebrations is the perfect blend of classic nostalgia and modern enhancements, offering a fresh yet faithful experience for both returning fans and newcomers alike. Dive back into the Kanto region, where the adventure that started it all gets even better!
Pokemon Green Celebrations is a GBC ROM Hack by DarthBR & CreamELDudJafar based on Pokemon Blue in English.
- Now you can Play Gen1 as a girl!
- All 151 Pokémons can be caught or evolved without trading
- Mew Under the Truck event restored
- NPC Tradeback Guy in CELADON MART 1F (evolve trade evolutions)
- Now you can take both fossils in MT. MOON!
- Teams have mixed Pokémon (no more 5 pidgey teams)
- Aerodactyl / Omanyte / Kabuto level when revived now is 44, GIFT Lapras in Saffron now is level 34 / Eevee from Celadon Roof is 30.
- Gust is now a Flying Type instead of NORMAL
- Added Pokémon like Magmar / Electabuzz / Staryu and others to earlier routes (consult documentation)
- Infinite TM’s (they are reusable like newer gens)
- Gym Leaders, Rival, Rockets and other trainers had a buff in level, moves and parties (some parties to match Anime/Lets go Pikachu/References)
- Move Relearner added in Fuchsia
- Move Deleter added in Vermilion (undeletable HMs)
- All overworld Pokémon icons have been updated (no more generic ones)
- Party Mini sprites have been updated
- Caught Pokémon icon added in HUD Battle
- Learnsets updated to match Pokemon Yellow updated one (eg. nidoran learns double kick at lower level)
- Several POKÉMON had learnsets buffs (eg: Charizard Fly)
- Pikachu and Raichu can learn SURF through HM, just like in Yellow version
- PROF. OAK gives you 5 POKÉBALLS when you receive the POKÉDEX.
- TM names in BAG and MART (TM24 it says TM24 THNDRBLT)
- 50 item bag space
- Auto HM use (eg: surf, just touch the water and say YES)
- Auto HM use (eg: surf, just touch the water and say YES)
- Deletable HM’s
- Sort Items in BAG
- OAK Battle post game
- Message when PC is full
- Check IV/DV – hold start/select and press STATS
- Caught Icon in battle
- Moon Stone can be bought in Celadon Mart- Moon Stone can be bought in Celadon Mart
- Rockets Received a buff in levels and parties
- Reusable Repel B/W
- Gust is now a Flying Type instead of NORMAL
- Engine Bugfixes
- Attack after waking up from Sleep
- Sleep engine fixed (it works now like gen 2 – max 6 turns)
- Removed 25% chance for enemy stat down moves to miss
- Swift will not hit throught Fly or Dig
- Ghost now deals SUPER EFFECTIVE on Psychic Pokémon