Pokemon Emerald SeaGlass (Gameboy Advance GBA)
Pokemon Emerald SeaGlass (Gameboy Advance GBA)
Explore the Hoenn region with GBC Style graphics, featuring Pokemon from generations 1 to 3, cross-gen evolutions, cheat codes, new features, and more.
- Complete visual overhaul, thanks to Zaebucca’s tiles!
- Style resembles old 90’s RPGs, like an upgraded Pokemon GSC style
- Pokemon use GBC-style sprites, from Generation 2 and talented artists like Egg
Overworld NPCs have a more retro art style, with a white outline to make them pop!
- Upgraded Pokedex with many helpful new features, inspired by HGSS dex but in GBC style
- New additions to some maps to increase interesting events
- Minigames in more towns with fun rewards (more details below)
- Helpful item merchants in a few towns, with stat-changing and evolution items
- Pacifidlog Town is accessible from Slateport and has grass with unique Pokemon!
- All Pokemon from Generations 1-3 are available, spread out enough to keep it from feeling bloated!
- Cross-gen evolutions have also been added, up to Gen 9!
- Pokemon use modified USUM movesets when applicable (many Pokemon also have more coverage moves and more interesting sets in general)
- Almost all Pokemon have received some changes! From slight stat changes to new types, each Pokemon should feel more unique to use
- Trainers use a wider variety of Pokemon (Team Aqua and Magma fights are finally interesting!)
- Additional available Pokemon: Spiky-Ear Pichu, Tinkaton line, and Applin line (details on obtaining in documentation)
- Overworld Following Pokemon!
- Numerous upgrades to the battle system:
- Changes from pokeemerald-expansion to update battle engine, such as Fairy type, Physical/Special split, etc.
- Party-wide EXP Share, with soft level caps to balance this change
- This is NOT a “difficulty hack”! These changes just cut down on some grind while still keeping a good balance
- EXP. Share is given by Scott in Petalburg, just after Wally’s catching tutorial
- Soft level cap allows for you to reach the gym leader’s max, then halves exp gain for the next few levels, then cuts it more
- Battle Gimmick: Z-Power Ring and Z-Crystals can be obtained from the DEVON Corporation after delivering Steven’s letter
- Completely optional and out of the way – if you don’t like Z-Moves, don’t even bother getting the Z-Ring!
- More minigames to break up Pokemon battles!
- SCUBA SAFARI, Pacifidlog Town: A combination of the Safari Zone and Bug
- Catching Contest from Johto, with 200 steps or 5 encounters in a dedicated underwater area to find a high-scoring Pokemon. Various helpful rewards are provided, including the HM Waterfall. Pacifidlog Town is also accessible from Slateport through an NPC with a Kirlia by the Pokemon Center after beating Team Aqua in the Museum.
- PINBALL, Mauville Game Corner and Mossdeep Game Corner: Four unique pinball games (SEEL, GENGAR, MEOWTH, and DIGLETT) are in both Game Corners.
- Beating the games award PINBALL POINTs, which can be used to get rare Pokeballs, items, and even some Alolan forms!
- CONTESTS: The Contest Hall has been moved to Verdanturf Town, and the Verdanturf Battle Tent has been moved to Lilycove! This will let the player enter contests much earlier, hopefully engaging with them much more
- An NPC in the Verdanturf Contest Hall can reset a Pokemon’s SHEEN!
RUSTBORO WISHING WELL: On the east side of Rustboro City sits an old Wishing Well. Using a Wishing Star item at the well summons a random Pokemon, similar to Wonder Trade or a Gacha system!
- Various QoL Changes, including:
- Type Effectiveness shown in battle
- HM System revamp: if HM is in bag and the right badge is owned, Pokemon that can learn the HMs can naturally use them
- Shiny odds 1/4096 by default, but Shiny Charm is in Player PC to increase odds (gives 5 extra rerolls!)
- Second Shiny Charm, giving even more rerolls, available in Fortree City! Interact with all shrines from east to west in order, and the second Shiny Charm will be in the final shrine (left of the Pokemon Center)
- Press R to toggle auto-run
- Press A in Summary Screen to view IVs and EVs; All Pokemon have at least 2 perfect IV’s
- Legendaries can all be encountered, mostly before Elite Four – details in documentation
- Pokemon Box Link, allowing access to PC from anywhere (obtained from Scientist
- NPC in Slateport City Pokemon Center)
- Cheat Codes / Mystery Gift function! Interact with GameCube in Player’s room
- Codes can provide Rare Candies, Master Balls, and a few cool Pokemon (Codes listed in documentation!)
- Pokemon types shown in battle, and press the L button to show more move information!
- Hard Mode, disabling level caps, and more options can be toggled with the book on the player’s desk in their room!
Known Issues:
- Graphics flicker after every turn in battle (This is semi-intentional! Resetting the graphics prevents freezing)
- DexNav can occasionally totally bug out the game, best to save before chaining
- Level Reset Bug seemingly for 1 battle, a Pokemon’s level is lowered, but they regain experience up to their normal level again after battle. Weird, and cannot be consistently replicated
- Static RTC
- Safari Zone battles function as regular battles unintentionally
- The Battle Tent can cause the loss of your save file. Avoid until there is a fix
Visual Issues:
- Safari Zone UI is bugged
- Crashes using MyBoy – please use a recommended emulator from the Discord!
- PP number text is yellow when learning new move
- Swinub and Piloswine follower palettes bugged

Pokemon Emerald SeaGlass (Gameboy Advance GBA)
Functions as good as the emulator, I’m a physical guy so I prefer the cartridges. A little tight fitting in and original GBA but it fits smoothly in an Sp. Plus the shipping is super fast so will order from again.
This company is great!!! Everything runs great I've purchased alot of games from this company and never had a problem!!
I was cautious at first but they really delivered the graphics were great and the shipping came a couple days early
It’s so amazing to be able to get these ROM hacks on physical cartridges so that I can play them on my Gameboy! Thank you!