Pokemon Crystal Legacy (Nintendo 64 N64)
Pokemon Crystal Legacy (Nintendo 64 N64)
Custom fan made N64 game. This is a Gameboy Color Game converted to an Nintendo 64 cartridge. Game save function works.
**Requires Red RAM Expansion Pack to work on N64***
Pokemon Crystal Legacy (Gameboy Color) ROM hack released by TheSmithPlays
Pokémon Crystal Legacy is an enhancement hack that aims to improve Generation 2’s most underdeveloped areas, whiling holding on to the mechanics and feel that made it unique. Rather than bring modern Pokémon design philosophy to Crystal, Legacy only makes changes based off precedents set in the game’s original design. This ensures an authentic gen 2 experience, while bringing the game to it’s full potential. Keep in mind RTC is static for this game and all other ROM hacks.
Features Include
- Dynamic Gym Leader level scaling for ‘non linear’ part of Johto. The team’s and levels of Chuck, Pryce and Jasmine scale to whether you have 5, 6, or 7 badges.
- Gym Leader teams optimized. Leaders see more Gen 2 representation, while still retaining their original aces (e.g. Bugsy keeps his Scyther, but Metapod and Kakuna are replaced with Pineco and Ledian). Movepools see increasing diversity and complexity. Gym Leaders use held items.
- Improved level curve. Gym leaders and trainers no longer fall off in the late mid-game, only to spike in the Elite Fuur. The game now sees a more linear rise in leveling, with expanding trainer teams to provide more EXP. Players who don’t grind will still be under leveled to the champion, but this is intentional and typical for most Pokémon games.
- Pokémon availability increased. Kanto locked Gen 2 mons like Houndour added to Johto. Route encounters have been diversified. Gen 1 trade mons evolve by level up. Gen 2 trade items now simply work like evolution stones. Increased accessibility to evo items. Fossils + GS Ball added to Ruins of Alph. All legendaries are now catchable.
- Gameplay Balancing. Dark-type is now Physical while Ghost is Special. DRASTIC improvements to Pokémon movepools. Balancing to actual moves (notably large improvements to bug and fighting type). Weak single evo mons + other underperformers have seen some stat buffs (i.e Misdrievus is now closer stat wise to Mismagius, but not on par).
- Item Improvements. Flower shop now sells Berries. Cianwood pharmacy sells Stones & Ethers. Post radio tower Mahogany mart sells Upgrade and Metal Coat. Mahogany, Blackthorn, and Celadon now sell TMs. X Items cannot be purchased.
- Storyline enhancements. Slight adjustments to timing of Silver’s character arc. A man helps Lance uncover the Rocket Hideout. Team Rocket has seen Executives named as Archer and Ariana. ‘Hyuck-Hyuck’ Rocket now has a small character arc. The game now has an explanation for the missing Legendaries of Kanto.
- Quality of Life: Unique Pokémon Sprites, Running Shoes, Bigger Bag, Early EXP Share, Delete HMs whenever, TM pickup now says move name, PC added to Elm’s Lab and House after Tohjo Falls, Gameplay Icon that shows Weather, Bugs Fixed, Brick Piece (found in Goldenrod Warehouse) now evolves Hitmontop, Odd Egg always has good DVs, Happiness System makes Friendship Evos faster, Third Trainer Card show Kanto Badges, bugs fixed AND MORE.
- Rematch Johto Gym Leaders after becoming Johto Champion.
- Kanto is now it’s own separate league. Gym leader teams have competitively set teams of 6. Upon beating them, you must rematch the Elite Four for title of Kanto Champion before facing Red. Consider this section a ‘challenge’ post game.
- Fight the creator (Smith), production manager (Craig) and video editor (Weebra) in the Trainer House.
What Stays the Same
- No Physical/Special split
- All Pokémon keep their typing
- No new Pokémon added
- No new trainers added
- Badge boost remains
- Trainer AI is untouched
- TMs are single use (all TMs eventually become available for purchase)
- Most original wild encounters remain where they were, outside of some overly redundant ones
- All storyline outcomes are the same, although some get to their conclusion slightly differently
**Requires Red RAM Expansion Pack to work on N64***

It wasn’t till I realized that you have to hold C up to restore your saved memory, I apologize for my 1 star review I couldn’t delete
No issue booting up and playing the game. Works amazingly on the N64. I did try to drop the rom on my pc as well to see if it would work for Project 64 but unfortunately it wouldn't run 😕. Either way the packaging was handled with care and the game works.
The game cartridge itself looks amazing 👏
I have only just started playing, but have gotten through the first rival battle with no issues at all!!!! Very good looking condition wise! (Only thing I was kind of hoping for was a box made for it or something, but hey can't have everything right?) But it is playing out nicely and came much quicker than expected! Put the order in on Friday with priority, was here Monday! 🙌 definitely be back for more products like this!