Pokémon Ambrosia is a game with a focus on unique features, fun gameplay, and extensive additional and post-game content. It is a hack of Pokemon Crystal by DrUltimaMan
The story is completely new and centers on an imminent invasion of Kanto due to a war with Hoen.
New dialog for every NPC and event in the entire game
Three recurring rivals, one of which uses an exact copy of the player’s party including stats, items, nicknames, everything.
Many updated maps and numerous all new maps.
Random battle weather is assigned upon entering an area, though some maps have fixed weather.
A more open world design allowing the player to enter areas with trainers and Pokemon far stronger than they would be able to beat but with hidden powerful rewards.
Can travel north to Blackthorn and west to Olivine from the beginning of the game.
Can travel to Kanto as soon as reaching Goldenrod.
Features/Brief Overview
Reworked Pokedex with fan favorite Pokémon from across the first 6 generations
All Pokémon have abilities, some familiar and some new – such as Gardevoir raising light screen upon switch in for example
Physical / Special split
Overworld Pokémon randomly wander the world, with aggressive ones attacking the player on sight
Can rematch all trainers, including Gym Leaders
Extensively updated battle AI
Open world design balanced by two level caps, one for training Pokémon and another for catching wild Pokémon
New story centered on an immanent war between Kanto and Hoen with Johto caught in between, almost every line of text in the game is new
Three recurring rivals with one always using an exact copy of the players team, including nicknames, items, shininess etc
Updated and new maps with random battle weather that changes between areas