Legend of Zelda Collection - 7 Games in 1 (Gameboy Advance GBA)
Legend of Zelda Collection - 7 Games in 1 (Gameboy Advance GBA)
- Custom Clear Green Cartridge
- Clear Protective Case
- Legend of Zelda (NES version)
- Legend of Zelda 2 (NES version)
- Zelda Link to the Past & Four Swords (GBA version)
- Zelda Link's Awakening DX (GBC version)
- Zelda Oracle of Ages (GBC version)
- Zelda Oracle of Seasons (GBC version)
- Zelda The Minish Cap (GBA version)
Original Gameboy Color Screen Aspect Ratio is maintained.

I mostly got this game for The Minish Cap but when playing the other games from the NES and GBC that use a built in emulator to work do not save correctly. when you turn the GBA off the whole game erases the data. The only way to keep your save is to keep a save state with the built in hackermode system. But at least the minish cap works fine so thats all I really played. Pick it up if you're interested in good old 2d Zelda games but don't forget to keep a save state of your progress.
Thanks for feedback on the GBC and NES games. Yes, using the Save States is the way to save your progress for those games. In my experience, most our customers prefer save states for the NES / GBC games so that you can quickly save or load your progress at any point in the game.
Legend of Zelda Collection - 7 Games in 1 (Gameboy Advance GBA)
Awesome having classic Zelda on the Gameboy, with a nice selection of other great titles from back then in the franchise

Excellent service, quick shipping, A1 product..
Will be my game store for now on..
Love my SP so happy I got to have the legend of Zelda combo! Great fast delivery!