Legend of Banjo Kazooie - The Jiggies of Time (N64)
Legend of Banjo Kazooie - The Jiggies of Time (N64)
The Legend of Banjo Kazooi - The Jiggies of Time is a Banjo Kazooie mod in the world of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. There are 9 Worlds, 100 jiggies, 900 Notes, 5 Mumbo transformations and a LOT OF EASTER EGGS!!
This is a contender for greatest romhack ever made. It has some of the most pleasing graphics on the console, the music is fresh yet warmly nostalgic, the level design is brilliantly blended and molded between the two games with astonishing flourishes on top.
The levels aren't needlessly obscured despite being based on Zelda; there's a genuine Nintendo sensibility that propels you toward every secret nook and cranny. There is so much more than meets the eye or memory that you will hold your breath when the slide whistle introduces you into a new area. You'll be nostalgic for the time you played this game decades from now.
The Jiggies of Time is a fully-realized dream of childlike wonder and nothing less. If you are even thinking about a Banjo Kazooie sequel then your energy is in the wrong place. Just play this instead.