Dragon Ball Z Team Training Pokemon Hack (Gameboy Advance GBA)
Dragon Ball Z Team Training Pokemon Hack (Gameboy Advance GBA)

I really do like the game for the sprites the characters the moves. Some good thoughts went into this game and I mean some, as someone who play pokeduel and that was 5stars +. The issues I have with it, is more effort could have been made by the modders, only like 4-7 types are even in the game, and 90% are not super effective to what they should be. Hitting normal and steel types with fighting moves does reg damage for just one example yet Frieza gets smashed by super effective moves for being dark/ice. It’s stuck in 3rd gen era game mode with no modern modified game features, which I could absolutely Live with if the type advantages work and there we more well thought out types. The game is still fun for the cheaper price, but I wouldn’t buy more then one like I did pokeduel 3x.
I got this game in the mail last week! No issues with saving and losing data (if you notice the game “freezing” while saving, just know that it’s still saving and your game hasn’t crashed). I’ve managed to get shiny Goku at the start on 9/5 after 229/230 soft resets (yes, you can get a shiny fighter in this game including starters!). I played this ROM hack when I was in high school and I’m happy that I own a physical cart of it. Just a heads up to RetroGamersUS themselves: before I bought this game, I contacted RetroGamersUS making sure it was up to the latest version and they said it’s up to version 8 which I own (and the last version the developer made as I believe they are officially done updating the game). However, they almost put version 9.2 on the cart which is actually an unofficial, fan-made version (it is nowhere on the DBZ Team Training wiki’s change log) and when I saw someone on YouTube named SacredAlmighty play this version, there were some changes such as the game now being hard, fighter locations being changed, and some fan-made forms and characters. I’m glad they didn’t put that version on the cart because they said it’s unstable! If you are buying this, you are getting the up-to date version (V.8). I haven’t gotten so far in this game due to me being busy, but I’ll get back into it when I can. :)
It’s a super fun rom hack for fire. If you like dragonball and pokemon this is the game to play.
Curious to know what version of game this one is newest version is V10 an when I purchased it I have V7 anyway to upgrade it if possible?
Dragon Ball Z Team Training Pokemon Hack (Gameboy Advance GBA)
Very fun hack for fire red